AUM Brass Pendant Necklace

This Sacred Charm is a beautiful brass AUM symbol pendant, 2cm wide on a black waxed cotton necklace with adjustable knots to lengthen as desired.

Considered the most sacred syllable in the Vedas is  "OM " or  “AUM"  According to ancient Vedic belief, in the beginning there was sound, which reverberated as Om and from that sound everything came into existence, the primeval sound, the first sound of the universe, the sound of creation itself. The vibration produced by chanting Om in the physical universe corresponds to the original vibration that first arose at the time of creation. The sound of Om is also called Pranava, meaning that it sustains life and runs through Prana or breath.

The sound ”AUM” is actually a combination of four parts: a ("ah"), or wakefulness; u ("oh"), the dream state; m ("mmm"), the quietness of deep, dreamless sleep; and the silence that follows, which represents pure consciousness. As yogis will attest, the vibrations of OM help settle the mind in a profound way.

Wearing a Sacred AUM charm is symbolic of aligning with the creative force of the universe. The AUM symbol signifies God, Creation, and the One-ness of all existence.



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